Aqualux Renovations Gallery
If you’re just starting out on your pool renovation project, we know you’ll be looking for some photos of real pools, with real results. Whether your pool is currently tiled, rendered, pebbled, painted or even a fibreglass shell, Aqualux is the ultimate pool finish to revitalise or repair a pool interior.

Looks like pebble, feels like silk
If you’ve ever swum in an old pebblecrete swimming pool, you know that its pretty tough on swimwear, and tougher on skin. Grazed feet, elbows and toes are common place – particularly for small children.
With the look of pebble, this Aqualux pool finish in ‘Coral Sand’ works beautifully with the sandstone coping and mosaic tiled waterline, and gives the owners a stunning, easy care finish.

Solution to cracked fibreglass
Hairline spider cracks are pretty much accepted as a downside of some fibreglass pools.
While they don’t look nice, they don’t cause any problems. But if those spider cracks run a little deeper (through the gel coat) and cause leaking, Aqualux can take an old fibreglass shell back to as new condition. It’s also a great solution to splintered or bubbled fibreglass – putting an end to the dreaded ‘fibreglass itch’.
This fibreglass shell was resurfaced in ‘Reef Pebble’.

Repair cracked, leaky tiles
If a tiled pool is battling with constantly appearing leaks, chances are the problem is ground movement. Pool tiles do not have the flexibility needed to cope with movement – but Aqualux does.
This pool originally featured mosaic tiles throughout, but was resurfaced in ‘Antique’, giving it a gorgeous deep colour which changes from blue to green and almost black, depending on the lighting.
Rendered, fibreglassed and tiled
Originally built as a rendered block pool, it was fibreglassed over almost immediately due to ground movement and leak issues. Unfortunately the fibreglass also failed, so they tried tiles – and while the tiles lasted a few years, ultimately, they too failed.
The solution was Aqualux, and this award wining renovation has made the pool ‘leak-free’ for the first time since it was built.
The colour on this one is the ever popular Maui.